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BBHF raises $32K with annual Golf Classic

The Box Butte Health Foundation (BBHF) raised $32,903 during its annual Golf Classic, which took place on Saturday, July 29.

高尔夫锦标赛筹集的资金将用于购买Verathon Prime Plus扫描仪和支架, a Hearing Booth, a Spirit CRS 800 Recumbent Stepper, 还有Box Butte综合医院的ID NOW机器.

Verathon Prime Plus扫描仪将用于急诊科以及患者护理部门,以帮助提供者和工作人员诊断和治疗患者的泌尿系统疾病. Currently, the ED and PCU share a scanner, 这有时会导致一个部门在使用扫描仪时不得不等待. 拥有第二台扫描仪将使两个部门都能更快地治疗病人.

大内布拉斯加州医疗和外科服务(GNMSS)将收到听证会摊位, 哪台机器将取代目前使用的机器. 诊所将使用听力亭为BNSF和其他需要测试的人进行听力测试.

Spirit CRS 800卧式步进器将进入康复中心,用于手术后患者以及一般虚弱或活动耐受性降低的患者. 该踏板设计用于患者作为热身和提高整体力量和活动能力. Finally, ID NOW机器将在实验室中用于分析流感A/B的测试, Rapid Strep, COVID-19, and RSV.

“基金会非常感谢所有的志愿者, 高尔夫球手和使这项赛事成功举办的众多企业!” Chelsea Thompson, Foundation Director, said. “虽然IM电竞App官网聚在一起筹集资金,但这不仅仅是钱的问题. IM电竞App官网希望人们期待一个有趣的活动,有一点不同的风格, 我认为,当IM电竞App官网有这么多的赞助商和高尔夫球手年复一年地回归时,这就证明了这一点. 如果没有每个人的支持,基金会将无法回馈博克斯比特县和其他地方的伟大人民.”

BBHF would like to thank its sponsors: Red Beard Garage and Towing; Inspire; WESTCO; Dan and Tracy Griess; Holmes Murphy; Trane, Walter Mischnick Contractors; Shelmadine Print Shop; Platte Valley Bank; First National Bank of Omaha; Wolf Auto; Beckenhauer Construction; Runza; Baird Holm; Dr. Dan Williams; Jackson Physician Search; Troy Schnell; Munoz Construction; Denver Air Connection; Mike and Joni Sautter; RTG Medical; Dohman, Akerlund & Eddy, LLC; Dave and Cindy Sautter; Nebraska Bank; P.A.W.S.; Buffs Anesthesia; Bill and Lori Mazanec; Assured Partners; Bryan Telemedicine and Teledigm Health; Psychiatric Medical Care; Specialized Engineering Services; Todd’s Body & Frame Shop; WNCC; Bruce Furniture; MediWaste; and Aetna.

BBHF would also like to thank its donors: Flyover Brewery; Live Beauty and Boutique; Carter’s Home, Hardware and Appliances; Nebraska Hospital Association; Snap-on; Table Top Meats; A Heads Up Salon; Webb Eyecare; High Plains Hippies Windows; The Board Babe; Bloedorn Lumber; Tim Garwood; Rapid City Rush; Western Nebraska Pioneers Baseball; Highway 2 Threads; Shelmadine Print Shop; and Safeway.